Office Password Unlocker v4.0.1.6 同時恢復Office文檔打開密碼和修改密碼的軟體 英文正式版
破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \ypogeios目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的
Office Password Unlocker v4.0.1.6 同時恢復Office文檔打開密碼和修改密碼的軟體 英文正式版
Office Password Unlocker 是一個一個簡單、易用、功能強勁可以直接同時恢復
Office 文檔打開密碼和修改密碼的工具!它支援 Office 97 到 2007 系列所有版
本的 Microsoft Word、Excel、Access 和 PowerPoint。它提供三種模式(暴力破解
、帶遮罩的暴力破解和字典破解)來加強對上述 Office 系列文檔密碼的恢復,並且
- 恢復 Microsoft Word、Excel、Access 和 PowerPoint 密碼
- 同時恢復打開密碼和修改密碼
- 支持 Office 97 到 2007 的所有版本
- 快速恢復密碼
- 3 種破解模式:暴力破解、帶遮罩的暴力破解和字典破解
- 如果你知道密碼的一些部分,則可以定制密碼遮罩以減少恢復時間
- 允許基於程式創建一個字典
- 如果恢復意外停止,則可以保存恢復進度和摘要
- 支援多處理器和多核
- 允許設置 CPU 的優先順序以達到更好的執行效果
- 在恢復完成後自動關閉電腦
- 簡單易用
Office Password Unlocker is the easiest solution to password
recovery for Office documents. It is to recover MS Word
password and MS Excel password easily, safely and efficiently.
This password cracker supplies three attack modes to ensure
the password recovery. Additionally, you are easy to remove
both the assword to open?and assword to edit? making it
possible for you not only to open but to modify the document.
Functions as a Word password breaker and an Excel password
finder, it is super easy to use! Just give the full path of
your Word or Excel to the program and with a mouse click to
the tart?button on the program will be OK. There is no
related knowledge required, even a kid can manipulate
successfully. Furthermore, there will be no human interaction
required throughout the unlocking process, you can simply let
the application to do the job and it will quickly be finished.